Courriel Imprimer



The Ages of Nero: Reality and Reception
22.05.2025 - 24.05.2025 
Université Aristote de Thessalonique - Thessalonique
Colloques, journées d'études


Information signalée par Karamitsou Dimitra

19th Trends in Classics

The Ages of Nero: Reality and Reception

Thessaloniki, May 22-24, 2025


Thursday, May 22, 2025

13.00 – 15.00
Walking tour of Thessaloniki

16.00 – 16.30
Registration and Greetings
Ioanna Karamanou (Aristotle University) & Antonios Rengakos (Aristotle University & Academy of Athens)
Lauren Ginsberg (Duke University) & Christopher Trinacty (Oberlin)

16.30 – 18.30
Panel 1: Neronian Artistry, Neronian Aesthetics
Presider: Lauren Ginsberg

Eric Varner (Emory University): Going Beyond Greece: Nero's Globalizing Artistic Agenda
Rebecca Moorman (University of Boston): Petronian Gimmicks in the Age of Nero
Kate Meng Brassel (University of Pennsylvania): Persius as anti-Nero
Stefano Rebeggiani (USC): Horror ac divina voluptas: Statius Reading Nero and his Contemporaries

18.30 - 20:00 Wine Reception

Friday, May 23, 2025

10.00 – 11.30
Panel 2: Seneca Across the Ages of Nero
Presider: Timothy Joseph

Christopher Star (Middlebury College): Fate and Free Will: Seneca the Prophet
George Pilotis (Cambridge University): Reflections of Seneca: Intertext and Politics in Quintilian's Institutio oratoria
Christopher Trinacty (Oberlin College): Seneca's Epistulae ad Lucanum: John Hersey's The Conspiracy

11.30 - 12.00 Coffee Break

12.00 – 13.30
Panel 3: Neronian Dramas
Presider: Christopher Trinacty

George W. M. Harrison (Carleton University): Hercules on the Roman Stage:
Seneca's Hercules furens and the Anonymous Hercules on Oeta
Robert Cowan (University of Sydney): Did the Earth Move? Incest, Matricide, and Ecofeminism in the Ages of Nero
Stavros Frangoulidis (Aristotle University): Pseudo-Seneca, Octavia: Narratives of Nero

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 16.30
Panel 4: Revisiting Neronian Encomia and Responses
Presider: Robert Cowan

Timothy Joseph (College of the Holy Cross): Lucan's Muse: The Consistency of the Addresses to Nero / Caesar in the Pharsalia
Evangelos Karakasis (Aristotle University): The Second Einsiedeln Eclogue Revisited: A Case of Neronian Propaganda
Evan Jewell (Rutgers University): Not that “Chill and Mature Terrorist”: Nero iuvenis and Augustus puer
Lisa Cordes (Humboldt University) in collaboration with Elisabetta M. Gamba
(Humboldt University): Poppaea's Apotheosis (P. Oxy. LXXVII. 5105) and the Neronian Imperial Discourse

16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 – 18.00
Panel 5: Reflections of the Late Antique Nero
Presider: Shushma Malik

Julia Nations-Quiroz (Yale University): Narrative of Oppression: Nero's Representation on a Late Antique Sarcophagus
Eleni Manolaraki (University of South Florida): Nero in the Suda

Trip to Museum of Byzantine Culture

Saturday May 24, 2025

10.00 – 11.30
Panel 6: Nero on the Early Modern Stage
Presider: Ginna Closs

Emma Buckley (St. Andrews University): Re-inventing the Tyrant: Nero in Early Modern England
Caroline Engelmeyer (Harvard University): “As at Atreus' Feast”: Thyestean Eclipses and Senecan Anachronism in Jonson's Catiline
Curtis Perry (University of Illinois): The “Soul of Nero” and the Womb of Agrippina in English Renaissance Drama

11.30 – 12.00 Coffee Break

12.00 – 13.30
Panel 7: Nero on the Modern (Operatic) Stage and Screen
Presider: Christopher Star

Wendy Heller (Princeton University): “Otton, torna in te stesso”: Otho, Nero, and Masculinity on the Venetian Stage
Maria Wyke (University College London): Nero in the Early Years of Cinema

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 16.00
Panel 8: Nero in Modern Popular Print Media
Presider: Emma Buckley

Shushma Malik (Cambridge University): Nero in an Age of Caricature, or Caricature in an Age of Nero
Ginna Closs (University of Massachusetts): True Comics, Fake News, and Nero's Urban Renewal Agenda
Lauren Ginsberg (Duke University): Mad Man: Nero in 20th- Century Print Advertising

16.00 - 16.30
Closing Remarks

20.00 Conference Dinner

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the kind support of Duke University-Department of Classics, Oberlin College and Conservatory-Classics Department, Aristotle University Research Committee, Kostas & Eleni Ounari Foundation-Academy of Athens and the University Studio Press.

Lieu de la manifestation : KEDEA, Aristotle University Campus (, Thessaloniki
Organisation : Lauren Donovan Ginsberg (Duke University) Christopher Trinacty (Oberlin College & Conservatory) Antonios Rengakos (Aristotle University & Academy of Athens) Stavros Frangoulidis (Aristotle University)
Contact : Stavros Frangoulidis (frangoulidis[at]



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