Th. Hainthaler, F. Mali, G. Emmenegger et M. Lenkaitytė Ostermann (éd.), Sophia the Wisdom of God

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Theresia Hainthaler, Franz Mali, Gregor Emmenegger et Mantė Lenkaitytė Ostermann (éd.), Sophia the Wisdom of God - Die Weisheit Gottes, Innsbruck, 2017.

Éditeur : Tyrolia Verlag
Collection : Pro Oriente Bd. 40 / Wiener Patristische Tagungen Bd. VII
414 pages
ISBN : 978-3-7022-3578-9
29.00 EUR

“Sophia the Wisdom of God” was dealt with at a colloquy of Patristic scholars, Catholic and Orthodox, from 14 European countries in Varna, Bulgaria in 2014. Sophia, known as the personified Wisdom of Judaism in the Old Testament (Prov 8,22), was interpreted by the Church Fathers and identified with the Logos of God, with Christ, with the Holy Spirit, or with Mary. How can man participate in God's Wisdom, how is the wisdom of God understood by mystics in the East or in the Syriac tradition? The interpretation of Old and New Testament passages by the Fathers also show, how often they speak of Christ God's power and God's wisdom (1 Cor 1,24). Sophia really is the manifold wisdom of God (Eph 3,10), even including sophiology of Bulgakov.

Table des matières:

Kurt Cardinal Koch, Greetings

Metropolitan of Varna and Veliki Preslav Ioan, Приветствие – Welcome Address

Theresia Hainthaler, Introduction

Theresia Hainthaler, ‘Christ, God's Wisdom and God's Power' (1 Cor 1, 24) and Sophia
Christology—Some Observations

Ysabel de Andia, L'enfance de la Sagesse

Angel Angelov, Pavel Pavlov and Stoyan Tanev, The Sophiological controversy as a clash of different patristic interpretations

Daniel Buda, Sophia in Theophilus of Antioch

Vladan Perišić, The Ontological Status of Wisdom in Origen

Johannes Arnold, Gottes Weisheit und die Vollendung des Menschen: Zur σοφία θεοῦ in Origenes' Exhortatio ad martyrium

Gregor Emmenegger, „Das von den Äonen aufzählen“ (Spr 8, 21a): Sophia in der valentinianischen Gnosis

Tomasz Stępień, Created or uncreated Wisdom? Arguments on Christ as the Wisdom of God in the polemic of Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa against Eunomius

Daniel Munteanu, Die Weisheit Gottes in der Theologie des Gregor von Nyssa

Petr Mikhaylov, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in the Hexaemeron of St Basil

Svetoslav Ribolov, ‘Wisdom of God' in Theodore of Mopsuestia's Theology

Paul Mattei, « Le Seigneur m'a créée, prémices de son oeuvre ». Pr 8, 22s. dans la patristique latine, de Tertullien au VIe siècle

Vít Hušek, Jerome's Christological Interpretation of Qoheleth

Lenka Karfíková, Sapientiae amor: Die Weisheit in Augustins Gesprächen aus Cassiciacum

Alexey Fokin, The Wisdom of God as Ars Dei in St. Augustine: Between Neo-Platonism and Christianity

Vittorino Grossi, Il libro della Sapienza nella soteriologia di Agostino d'Ippona.
Sull'assenza di Sap 18 nei suoi scritti

Mantė Lenkaitytė Ostermann, Manifestissimae sapientiae studia. La sagesse chrétienne et la sagesse des philosophes selon Eucher de Lyon

Franz Mali, „Sapientia huius mundi“ – Konkurrentin der „Dei sapientia“? Zum Verständnis von Weisheit bei Gregor dem Großen

Ovidiu Ioan, Die Weisheit in der ostsyrischen Mystik

Dominique Gonnet SJ ,« Car la sagesse est Dieu lui-même ». La sagesse de Dieu chez Isaac le Syrien

Andrew Louth, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in St Maximos the Confessor

Hilary Anne-Marie Mooney, Human Participation in Divine Wisdom according to John Scottus Eriugena

Pablo Argárate, « Reconnaître la vraie sagesse, celui qui est vraiment Dieu » :
Σοφία dans les écrits de Syméon le Nouveau Théologien

Georgi Kapriev, Die Begegnung Moses' mit Christus (Gregorios Palamas, Triaden,
II, 3, 55)



Source : Tyrolia Verlag