V. Arena et F. Mac Góráin (éd.), Varronian Moments

Mardi, 13 Février 2018 08:18 Jacques Elfassi


Valentina Arena et Fiachra Mac Góráin (éd.), Varronian Moments, Londres, 2017 (= BICS 60.2, déc. 2017).

Éditeur : Wiley-Blackwell
i-ix, 1-147 pages
ISSN 0076-0730

Table of contents
Valentina Arena and Fiachra Mac Góráin, Foreword
Giorgio Piras, Dicam dumtaxat quod est historicon: Varro and/on the past
Grant A. Nelsestuen, Varro, Dicaearchus, and the history of Roman res rusticae
Duncan MacRae, ‘The laws of the rites and of the priests': Varro and late Republican Roman sacral jurisprudence
Elisabetta Todisco, Varro's writings on the senate: a reconstructive hypothesis
R. M. A. Marshall, Varro, Atticus, and Annales
Daniel Hadas, St Augustine and the disappearance of Varro
Daniel Vallat, Varro in Virgilian commentaries: transmission in fragments
Wolfgang D. C. de Melo, A typology of errors in Varro and his editors: a close look at selected passages in the De lingua Latina
General Index
Index Locorum

Source : Wiley