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Colloques, journées d'études


Medieval Debates on Foreknowledge: Future Contingents, Prophecy, and Divination
12.09.2023 - 15.09.2023 
Università degli Studi di Trento - Trente
Colloques, journées d'études


Information signalée par Jacques Elfassi

Medieval Debates on Foreknowledge: Future Contingents, Prophecy, and Divination

27th Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM
12-15 settembre 2023
Palazzo Paolo Prodi - Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Aula 001


Tuesday, September 12

14.30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Divine Foreknowledge and Human Free Will: Latin Models

Chair: Tobias Hoffmann (Paris – Sorbonne Université)
15.00 Pasquale Porro (Torino), Does God Really Know Contingent Events as they Are? Revisiting (once again) the Consolation of Philosophy, Book V
15.30 Enrico Moro (Padova), “Quapropter nihil tam in nostra potestate quam ipsa voluntas est”. Augustine on the Compatibility of Foreknowledge and Free Will
16.00 Marcia L. Colish (Yale), Anselm’s Boethius: Necessity and Contingency in De concordia
16.30 Discussion

The Debate on Future Contingents in the Latin Middle Ages (1)

Chair: Andrea Robiglio (KU Leuven)
17.30 Martha Beullens (Université libre de Bruxelles), Connaître le futur. Le cas des futurs contingents ut in pluribus chez Albert le Grand
18.00 Peter John Hartman (Chicago – Loyola University), The Presence of the Future: Durand of St.-Pourçain on Future Contingents
18.30 Discussion

20.30 Dinner

Wednesday, September 13
The Debate on Future Contingents in the Latin Middle Ages (2)

Chair: Irene Zavattero (Trento)
9.00 Riccardo Fedriga, Costantino Marmo (Bologna), Rodolfo Brito sui futuri contingenti. Analisi dottrinale e contesto della Quaestio 16 del Commento al De interpretatione
9.30 Hernán Guerrero-Troncoso (Kraków – University John Paul II), Francis of Meyronnes on Future Contingents. An Introduction to the Scotistic View?
10.00 Michael W. Dunne (Maynooth University), Richard FitzRalph on the Revelation of Future Contingents
10.30 Discussion

The Debate on Future Contingents in the Latin Middle Ages (3)

Chair: Alessandra Beccarisi (Foggia)
11.30 Amos Corbini (Torino), Hugolinus de Urbe Veteri. His Doctrine of Divine Foreknowledge of Future Contingents in Context
12.00 Edit Anna Lukács (Wien – Austrian Academy of Sciences), “The whole past time is present”. Biblical Commentaries on Future Contingents (Vienna, 1384-1419)
12.30 Discussion

The Debate on Future Contingents in the Second Scholasticism

Chair: Cristophe Grellard (Paris – École Pratique des Hautes Études)
14.30 Valentin Braekman (Lausanne), Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom in Suarez
15.00 Gonzalo Tinajeros Arce (Universidade de Brasília), Future Contingents in Arguments of Political Censorship: Modal Propositions in Contrast. Solórzano Pereira Stands up to the Censors of De Indiarum Iure (1638)
15.30 Roberto Hofmeister Pich (Porto Alegre – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), Alfonso Briceño on Divine Knowledge, Contingency, and Freedom
16.00 Discussion

Foreknowledge, Prophecy, and Astrology in the Islamic Tradition (1)

Chair: Fouad Ben Ahmed (Rabat – al-Qarawiyin University)
17.00 Elisa Coda (Paris – CNRS, Centre Jean Pépin), Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius and al-Fārābī on Divine Intellect
17.30 Giulio Navarra (Foggia), Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Influence of the Stars: Arabic Aristotelianism as Metaphysical Foundation of Astrology and the Practice of Divination
18.00 Germano Gorga (Lucca – IMT School of Advanced Studies), Astrology and Prophecy in Avicenna: Metaphysical Similarities and Epistemological Differences
18.30 Discussion

20.30 Dinner

Thursday, September 14
Foreknowledge, Prophecy, and Astrology in the Islamic Tradition (2)

Chair: Luca Bianchi (Milano)
8.30 Meryem Sebti (Paris – CNRS, Centre Jean Pépin), Ta’bir and ta’wil: How to Decipher the Invisible World
9.00 Josep Puig Montada (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Alfarabi and his Andalusian Disciples on Propositions regarding Future Contingents
9.30 Terence J. Kleven (Pella, Iowa – Central College), Alfarabi’s Long Commentary on De interpretatione 9 18a28-19b4: On Possibility, Necessity, and Chance
10.00 Discussion

Prophecy in the Jewish Tradition

Chair: Monica Brinzei (Paris – CNRS, IRHT)
11.00 Ying Zhang (Shanghai – East China Normal University), The Most Perfect Prophet for Maimonides: Moses and Abraham in The Guide of the Perplexed
11.30 Idit Dobbs-Weinstein (Nashville, Tennessee – Vanderbilt University), The Prophet as Lawgiver? Prophecy in Maimonides and Aquinas
12.00 Silvia Di Donato (Paris – CNRS, SPHERE), Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera sulla conoscenza divina, la profezia e i sogni veridici
12.30 Discussion

Prophecy in the Latin Tradition

Chair: Joerg Alejandro Tellkamp (Mexico City – Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana)
14.30 Anna Rodolfi (Firenze), La profezia come mediazione: un tema della profetologia latina del secolo XIII
15.00 Andrea Colli, (Bologna), The Church at the End of Times. Prophecy and Eschatology in Albert the Great’s Sermons and Biblical Commentaries
15.30 Paul Clarke (Paris – École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), L’économie de la prophétie selon Thomas d’Aquin et Pierre de Jean Olivi
16.00 Discussion

Medieval Predictive Sciences (1)

Chair: Alfredo Carlos Storck (Porto Alegre – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
17.00 Valeria Buffon (Santa Fe – Universidad Nacional del Litoral), A Philosophical Discussion on Divine Providence by Parisian Arts Masters
17.30 Barbora Kocánová (Prague – Institute of Philosophy CAS, Centre for Classical Studies) Astrology, Meteorology, and Others. Various Predictive Methods in Medieval Latin Astrological Weather Forecasting Texts
18.00 Aurora Panzica (Université de Fribourg, Swiss National Science Foundation – Czech Academy of Sciences) Celestial and Terrestrial Signs of the Weather in the Latin Commentary Tradition on Aristotle’s Meteorologica
18.30 Discussion
20.30 Dinner

Friday, September 15
Medieval Predictive Sciences (2)

Chair: Loris Sturlese (Accademia dei Lincei)
8.30 Charles Burnett (London – Warburg Institute), Prediction from the Stars in Ptolemy’s Quadripartitum and its Commentaries in Arabic and Latin
9.00 Alessandro Palazzo (Trento), Geomantic Collections: Structure, Meaning, and Function
9.30 Arianna Dalla Costa (London – Warburg Institute), De intentione quaerentis: The Investigation of the Human Soul in Medieval Geomancy
10.00 Discussion

Medieval Predictive Sciences (3)

Chair: Lisa Devriese (KU Leuven)
11.00 Anna Gili (Padova), Prognosis in al-Maǧūsī’s Kitāb al-Malakī (10th cent.) and in its two Latin Translations
11.30 Mario Loconsole (Università di Udine – Universität zu Köln), Somnium coadiuvat ad curationem. The Curative Power of Dreams in Pietro d’Abano’s Conciliator
12.00 Jens Ole Schmitt (LMU Munich), Barhebraeus on Physiognomical Prognosis
12.30 Vesa Hirvonen (University of Eastern Finland), Nicole Oresme on Madmen’s Special Capacities
13.00 Discussion


15.00 SIEPM Bureau Meeting

Local Organizers: Alessandro Palazzo (Trento), Irene Zavattero (Trento)
Scientific committee: Alessandra Beccarisi (Foggia), Alessandro Palazzo (Trento), Loris Sturlese (Accademia dei Lincei), Irene Zavattero (Trento)



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