D. Ungvary, Converting Verse. The Poetics of Asceticism in Late Roman Gaul


David Ungvary, Converting Verse. The Poetics of Asceticism in Late Roman Gaul, Oxford, 2024.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
Collection : Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity
288 pages
ISBN : 9780197600740

For centuries, the Roman aristocracy encoded its social and cultural superiority in classical poetry. In the late Roman world, however, Christian poets--especially those in the outlying provinces of Gaul--began to experiment with poetry as a medium for exploring and asserting ascetic identities which were based on the disciplined rejection of worldly life and set in opposition to secular nobility.
Converting Verse offers a new cultural history of this ascetic transformation of Latin poetry and fortifies our understanding of the Christianization of Roman culture in Late Antiquity. It provides a fresh account of the ways Gallo-Roman Christian poets composed verse amid barbarian incursions, the rise of monasticism, and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire itself, showing how they responded to cultural instability with literary performances of spiritual discipline and religious reform. Through the fifth century, these poets--Paulinus of Nola, Paulinus of Pella, Sidonius Apollinaris, and Avitus of Vienne, among others--wrote poetry that urged and expressed the recalibration of traditional dynamics between literature and identity in the Roman world, and in the process reinvented Latin poetry's power and purpose.

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The Ancient World between City and Countryside Interactions, Contrasts, and Continuities

International Workshop: The Ancient World between City and Countryside Interactions, Contrasts, and Continuities

Munich, 3-4 April 2025

Appel à contributions
Date limite : 15 February 2025


The (inter)connection between cities and countryside life in antiquity has been the focus of numerous historical, archaeological and sociological debates. Although cities and countryside are often presented as separate entities, their interactions had a profound impact on the social, economic and cultural structure of ancient civilisations. Analysing the relationship between city and countryside in antiquity not only sheds light on power dynamics and everyday practices, but also allows us to understand how these two spheres contributed to the
definition of distinct but intrinsically linked cultural and social identities. Urbanisation, agriculture, religion, politics and everyday life are just some of the areas in which the city and the countryside interacted and influenced each other.

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Gabriel Naudé, Œuvres complètes. X A Pentas Quaestionum iatro-philologicarum


Gabriel Naudé, Œuvres complètes. X A Pentas Quaestionum iatro-philologicarum / Cinq questions iatrophilologiques. Édiion d'Anna Lisa Schino. Traduction du latin par Davide Del Forno, Paris, 2024.

Éditeur : Classiques Garnier
Collection : Textes de philosophie, n° 24
557 pages
ISBN : 978-2-406-17174-4
48 €

Dans les cinq Questions iatrophilologiques (1632-1639), Gabriel Naudé s'interroge sur la durée de la vie : ce qui la détermine, ce qui la menace, comment la prolonger, si les Modernes vivent plus longtemps que les Anciens, si la mort est prédéterminée.

Source : Classiques Garnier