
O. Zwierlein, Die 'Carmina profana' des Dracontius

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Otto Zwierlein, Die 'Carmina profana' des Dracontius. Prolegomena und kritischer Kommentar zur Editio Teubneriana. Mit einem Anhang: Dracontius und die 'Aegritudo Perdicae', Berlin, 2017.

Éditeur : De Gruyter
Collection : Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 127
XII-348 pages
ISBN : 978-3-11-052237-2
109,95 €

Der Begleitband zur neuen Editio Teubneriana der Carmina Profana des Dacontius (ca. 480–510 n. Chr.) unterrichtet in einem ersten Teil (Prolegomena) über Tradition und Organisation des Textes in den Handschriften. Der zweite Teil begründet die Textkonstitution, rechtfertigt notwendige Emendationen und erläutert umstrittene Stellen. In einem Anhang wird die chronologische Priorität des Dracontius gegenüber der Aegritudo Perdicae gesichert. Das Gedichtcorpus (3370 Verse) gibt Einblick in die kulturelle Spätblüte Nordafrikas unter der Herrschaft der Vandalen. Zwei Widmungsgedichte an den Grammatiker Felicianus und drei Deklamationen (Suasoria: Hercules und die Hydra, Controversia de statua viri fortis, Ethopoiie: Achill am Leichnam Hectors) führen in die spätantike Schule Karthagos, zwei autobiographisch getönte Epithalamien in die gesellschaftlichen Verflechtungen des Advokaten und Dichters. In den mythologischen Kleinepen Hylas, Helena, Medea, Orestes werden die alten Sagen vielfach abweichend von der mythographischen Vulgata unter Rückgriff auf uns verlorene Versionen neu erzählt. Als Zeugnisse einer historischen Umbruchsphase beanspruchen die Dichtungen des Dracontius in jüngerer Zeit gesteigertes wissenschaftliches Interesse


Source : De Gruyter


B. A. Natoli, Silenced voices: the poetics of speech in Ovid

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Bartolo A. Natoli, Silenced voices: the poetics of speech in Ovid, Madison-Londres, 2017.

Éditeur : University of Wisconsin Press
Collection : Wisconsin studies in classics
x, 227 pages
ISBN : 9780299312107
69,95 $

Silenced Voices is a pointed examination of the loss of speech, exile from community, and memory throughout the literary corpus of the Roman poet Ovid. In his book-length poem Metamorphoses, characters are transformed in ways that include losing their power of human speech. In Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto, poems written after Ovid's exile from Rome in 8 ce, he represents himself as also having been transformed, losing his voice.
Bartolo A. Natoli provides a unique cross-reading of these works. He examines how the motifs and ideas articulated in the Metamorphoses provide the template for the poet's representation of his own exile. Ovid depicts his transformation with an eye toward memory, reformulating how his exile would be perceived by his audience. His exilic poems are an attempt to recover the voice he lost and to reconnect with the community of Rome.


Source : University of Wisconsin Press


M. Lentano, La declamazione a Roma. Breve profilo di un genere minore

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Mario Lentano, La declamazione a Roma. Breve profilo di un genere minore, Parlerme, 2017.

Éditeur : Palumbo
Collection : Letteratura classica
112 pages
ISBN : 9788868893972
17 €

Le declamazioni sono l'esercizio più complesso praticato nelle scuole di retorica, fiorite a Roma nella tarda età repubblicana e divenute durante l'impero un passaggio obbligato nell'educazione dei ceti dirigenti: esse proponevano agli allievi casi giuridici fittizi, spesso piuttosto complessi, talora decisamente inverosimili, nei quali il futuro oratore era invitato a perorare per l'una o l'altra delle parti in causa, con il solo vincolo di attenersi ai dati di partenza forniti nel tema della controversia stessa e alle norme di legge chiamate a regolare la discussione. È un prodotto conservato in misura consistente: quasi trecento testi integralmente svolti, ai quali si aggiunge una miriade di temi attestati nella manualistica retorica destinata alla formazione dei maestri.
Ciò nonostante, sulla declamazione ha pesato a lungo un giudizio fortemente critico, che vedeva in essa il frutto malato di una irreversibile decadenza della grande oratoria repubblicana, mirante alla ricerca dell'effetto esteriore o allo sfoggio di un talento oratorio tanto brillante quanto sterile. Al contrario, la retorica di scuola costituisce un osservatorio privilegiato sulla cultura romana, il cui rilievo è desumibile dal fatto di aver contribuito per secoli a formare il ceto che ha amministrato l'impero, elaborato o commentato le sue leggi, scritto la sua letteratura, educato a sua volta i propri successori. Questa breve introduzione, rivolta parimenti a studenti e studiosi, si ripromette non solo di fornire un quadro d'insieme della declamazione e delle sue principali caratteristiche, ma anche di fare il punto sullo stato degli studi, dando conto delle questioni ancora aperte, affrontando e discutendo la bibliografia ad oggi disponibile e suggerendo infine nuove possibili piste di ricerca.


Source : Palermo


P. Chiesa, A. M. Fagnoni et R. E. Guglielmetti (éd.), Ingenio facilis. Per Giovanni Orlandi (1938-2007)

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Paolo Chiesa, Anna Maria Fagnoni et Rossana E. Guglielmetti (éd.), Ingenio facilis. Per Giovanni Orlandi (1938-2007), Florence, 2017.

Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo
Collection : Millennio Medievale, 111 ; Strumenti e Studi, 43
IV-270 pages
ISBN : 978-88-8450-800-3
54 €

G. Cavallo, Stralci di storia di un gruppo di manoscritti greci del secolo IX - F. Dolbeau, Faire l'expertise de manuscrits ou de collections hagiographiques - P. Dronke, On Reading a Poem by Hildebert of Lavardin - M. Lapidge, Two Notes on the ‘Medieval' Hexameter - J. Marenbon, When did Medieval Philosophy Begin? - M. D. Reeve, Author or Corrector? Orlandi on William of Tyre - P. Stotz, «Possidius Sangallensis». Die Gestalt der Augustinusvita nach der Handschrift St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 571 - J.-Y. Tilliette, Poétique de la poésie: le latin médiéval et la critique littéraire - M. Winterbottom, The «Tribunus Marianus» and the Development of the «cursus». Indice dei manoscritti. Indice degli autori, degli studiosi e delle opere anonime.


Source : SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo


Chr. P. Jones, Apuleius: Apologia. Florida. De Deo Socratis

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Christopher P. Jones (éd.), Apuleius: Apologia. Florida. De Deo Socratis, Cambridge [MA]-Londres, 2017.

Éditeur : Harvard University Press
Collection : Loeb Classical Library
452 pages
ISBN : 9780674997110
21 €

Apuleius, one of the great stylists of Latin literature, was born ca. 125 AD in Madauros to a politically prominent family and received an elite education in the provincial capital Carthage and at Athens, where he began a lifelong allegiance to Platonic philosophy. In the later 150s, he married Pudentilla of Oea, a wealthy widow, and seems to have enjoyed a distinguished public career in Africa and perhaps as an advocate in Rome.
Although Apuleius is best known for his picaresque novel Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass (LCL 44, 453), he also wrote and declaimed on a wide variety of subjects. This edition contains the other surviving works of Apuleius that are considered genuine. Apologia is a speech in which Apuleius defends himself against in-laws who had accused him of having used sinister means, including magic, to induce Pudentilla to marry him. The Florida is a collection of twenty-three excerpts from speeches by Apuleius. De Deo Socratis (On Socrates' God) locates Socrates' invisible guide and protector (daimonion) within the more general concept of daimones as forces intermediary between gods and humans.
This edition, new to the Loeb Classical Library, offers fresh translations and texts based on the best critical editions.


Source : Harvard University Press


G. Avni et G. D. Stiebel (éd.), Roman Jerusalem : a new old city

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Gideon Avni et Guy D. Stiebel (éd.), Roman Jerusalem : a new old city, Portsmouth, 2017.

Éditeur : Journal of Roman Archaeology
Collection : Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series, 1063-4304 ; Number 105
161 pages
ISBN : 099137309X
79 $

With contributions by :
Gideon Avni, Rachel Bar-Nathan, Doron Ben-Ami, Avner Ecker, Oren Gutfeld, Eitan Klein, Amos Kloner, Gabriel Mazor, Alexander Onn, Perez Reuven, Renate Rosenthal-Heginbo om, Jon Seligman, Yana Tchekhanovets, Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah & Boaz Zissu.

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M. Stöckinger,‎ K. Winter et A. T. Zanker (éd.), Horace and Seneca. Interactions, Intertexts, Interpretations

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Martin Stöckinger,‎ Kathrin Winter et Andreas T. Zanker (éd.), Horace and Seneca. Interactions, Intertexts, Interpretations, Berlin, 2017.

Éditeur : De Gruyter
Collection : Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 365
437 pages
ISBN : 978-3-11-052889-3
120 €

This volume sets out to explore the complex relationship between Horace and Seneca. It is the first book that examines the interface between these different and yet highly comparable authors with consideration of their oeuvres in their entirety. The fourteen chapters collected here explore a wide range of topics clustered around the following four themes: the combination of literature and philosophy; the ways in which Seneca's choral odes rework Horatian material and move beyond it; the treatment of ethical, poetic, and aesthetic questions by the two authors; and the problem of literary influence and reception as well as ancient and modern reflections on these problems. While the intertextual contacts between Horace and Seneca themselves lie at the core of this project, it also considers the earlier texts that serve as sources for both authors, intermediary steps in Roman literature, and later texts where connections between the two philosopher-poets are drawn. Although not as obviously palpable as the linkage between authors who share a common generic tradition, this uneven but pervasive relationship can be regarded as one of the most prolific literary interactions between the early Augustan and the Neronian periods. A bidirectional list of correspondences between Horace and Seneca concludes the volume.

Source : De Gruyter


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