
L. B. T. Houghton & Marco Sgarbi, Virgil and Renaissance Culture

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L. B. T. Houghton & Marco Sgarbi (éd.), Virgil and Renaissance Culture, Turnhout, 2018.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, 42
IX + 227 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-58190-3
70 €

The book brings together studies by scholars from a range of academic disciplines to assess the central position of Virgil in the intellectual, artistic, and political lives of the Renaissance.
This collection of essays presents a variety of case studies of Virgil's impact on different branches of Renaissance culture, covering the crucial areas of education and court culture, the visual arts, music history, philosophy, and Neo-Latin and vernacular literature. It brings together established scholars and younger researchers from a range of different academic disciplines. The studies included here will be of particular interest to students of Renaissance social, intellectual, and literary history, to art historians, and to those working on the reception of classical literature; some offer new perspectives on well-known material, while others investigate examples of Renaissance engagement with the Virgilian corpus which have received little or no previous attention. Building on recent scholarship on the Virgilian tradition, the collection opens up new avenues for research on the reception of both Virgil and other classical authors, and addresses questions of fundamental importance to historians of this period — not least the perennial debate over the nature and definition of the Renaissance itself.

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C. Chulsky, Notables Nîmois. Magistrats, chevaliers et sénateurs issus de la cité de Nîmes à l'époque romaine

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Céline Chulsky, Notables Nîmois. Magistrats, chevaliers et sénateurs issus de la cité de Nîmes à l'époque romaine, Montpellier, 2018.

Éditeur : Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée
Collection : Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise
424 pages
ISBN : 979-10-92655-08-7
30 €

Supplément Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise n° 47.

La cité de Nîmes se distingue, à l'époque romaine, par sa riche aristocratie connue grâce aux inscriptions et à quelques mentions littéraires. Au premier siècle av. n. è., des préteurs sont attestés ; ils semblent être à la tête de la confédération des Volques Arécomiques, rassemblant une trentaine d'agglomérations indépendantes. À l'époque césarienne, ces agglomérations reçoivent le droit latin et Nîmes devient une colonie latine dirigée par des quattuorvirs. Au début du règne d'Auguste, Nîmes est refondée ; la plupart des agglomérations de la région passent sous sa domination politique. C'est peut-être à cette occasion que le cursus est modifié et élargi. À cette époque, les notables semblent souvent être les descendants d'aristocrates ayant reçu la citoyenneté de grands généraux de la République, et donc être issus de l'ancienne élite dirigeante indigène. Les plus importants intègrent le Sénat de Rome. La carrière sépare nettement des élites anciennes suivant un parcours en quatre à cinq étapes et des personnages plus modestes ne prenant en charge que la questure ou l'édilité. Les sénateurs s'en dispensent entièrement.

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P. Heather, Rome Resurgent: War and Empire in the Age of Justinian

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Peter Heather, Rome Resurgent: War and Empire in the Age of Justinian (Ancient Warfare and Civilization), Oxford, 2018.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
408 pages
ISBN : 978-0199362745
£ 22.99

Between the fall of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century and the collapse of the east in the face of the Arab invasions in the seventh, the remarkable era of the Emperor Justinian (527-568) dominated the Mediterranean region. Famous for his conquests in Italy and North Africa, and for the creation of spectacular monuments such as the Hagia Sophia, his reign was also marked by global religious conflict within the Christian world and an outbreak of plague that some have compared to the Black Death. For many historians, Justinian is far more than an anomaly of Byzantine ambition between the eras of Attila and Muhammad; he is the causal link that binds together the two moments of Roman imperial collapse. Determined to reverse the losses Rome suffered in the fifth century, Justinian unleashed an aggressive campaign in the face of tremendous adversity, not least the plague. This book offers a fundamentally new interpretation of his conquest policy and its overall strategic effect, which has often been seen as imperial overreach, making the regime vulnerable to the Islamic takeover of its richest territories in the seventh century and thus transforming the great Roman Empire of Late Antiquity into its pale shadow of the Middle Ages.

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Gr. Brescia, M. Lentano, G. Scafoglio et V. Zanusso, Revival and Revision of the Trojan Myth. Studies on Dictys and Dares

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Graziana Brescia, Mario Lentano, Giampiero Scafoglio et Valentina Zanusso, Revival and Revision of the Trojan Myth. Studies on Dictys and Dares, Hildesheim-New York, 2018.

Éditeur : Olms
Collection : Spudasmata
398 pages
ISBN : 978-3-487-15681-1
74 €

The ‘alternative' rewritings of the Trojan myth by Dictys and Dares are among the most interesting and mysterious works of Late Antiquity: yet it is only recently that they have started getting due attention, and many issues about them still remain unsolved. This is one of the first books that relies on contributions by several scholars to comprehensively cover this subject in its various aspects, from the delicate question of (true or supposed) Greek models to cultural context, expected audience, intertextuality, structural patterns, narrative technique, themes, characters, aims, up to style and language. What emerges is a fuller and partly new view of the two works.


Source : Olms


E. Hénin et V. Naas, Le Mythe de l’art antique

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Emmanuelle Hénin et Valérie Naas, Le Mythe de l'art antique, Paris, 2018.

Éditeur : CNRS éditions
488 pages
ISBN : 978-2-271-09020-1
25 €

De la peinture antique, qui fut certainement d'une grande richesse, nous ne conservons que de rares traces matérielles. Mais ces chefs-d'oeuvre disparus ont subsisté à travers des textes qui les décrivent et nous racontent, à leur propos, des anecdotes, mythes et récits que la tradition a fini par transformer en lieux communs : l'artiste tombant amoureux de son modèle, le jeune homme préférant la statue à la femme de chair, le peintre se livrant à la torture pour mieux représenter la douleur, des raisins si parfaitement imités que les oiseaux viennent les picorer.
C'est par la médiation de ces discours et de ces narrations que l'art antique a irrigué tout l'art occidental, dans sa pratique comme dans sa conception. Sans cesse repensés et reformulés, ces récits fondateurs ont offert à chaque auteur l'occasion d'exprimer sa vision singulière et se sont finalement traduits par autant d'interprétations originales.

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L. M. Fratantuono et R. Alden Smith, Virgil, Aeneid 8: Text, Translation, and Commentary

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Lee M. Fratantuono et R. Alden Smith, Virgil, Aeneid 8: Text, Translation, and Commentary, Leyde-Boston, 2018.

Éditeur : Brill
Collection : Mnemosyne, Supplements
802 pages
ISBN : 978-90-04-36738-8
180 €

This volume provides the first full-scale commentary on the eighth book of Virgil's Aeneid, the book in which the poet presents the unforgettable tour of the site of the future Rome that the Arcadian Evander provides for his Trojan guest Aeneas, as well as the glorious apparition and bestowal of the mystical, magical shield of Vulcan on which the great events of the future Roman history are presented – culminating in the Battle of Actium and the victory of Octavian over the forces of Antony and Cleopatra. A critical text based on a fresh examination of the manuscript tradition is accompanied by a prose translation.

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L. R. Cresci et Fr. Gazzano (éd.), De imperiis: l'idea di impero universale e la successione degli imperi nell'antichità

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Lia Raffaella Cresci et Francesca Gazzano (éd.), De imperiis: l'idea di impero universale e la successione degli imperi nell'antichità, Rome, 2018.

Éditeur : L'"Erma" di Bretschneider
Collection : Rapporti interstatali nella storia. Dall'antichità al mondo contemporaneo
325 pages
ISBN : 978-88-913-1245-7
180 €

1. Il miraggio di Ecbatana. Il dibattito sull'«impero» dei Medi e l'ipotesi di una provenienza iranica per l'idea di translatio imperii in Erodoto (Francesco MARI)
2. L'impero che non fu. La Lidia nella successionedegli imperi (Francesca GAZZANO)
3. Come Alessandro, oltre Alessandro. Comunicareil potere nel regno greco-battriano e nei regni indo-greci (Omar COLORU)
4. L'anello debole della catena? L'egemonia macedone nella tradizione antica sulla translatio imperii (Federico Maria MUCCIOLI)
5. De Rey del Ponto a Rey de Reyes. El imperio de Mitrídates Eupátor en el contexto del Orientetardo-helenístico (Luis BALLESTEROS PASTOR)
6. Imperium sine fine dedi? Il principato di Augusto e il pro blema della dimensione temporale (Giovanella CRESCI)
7. L'impero romano e il proemio di Appiano (Giusto TRAINA)
8. Alexander the Great and the Succession of Persian Empires (Touraj DARYAEE)
9. Translatio studii et imperii. Diodoro, Africanoe Giovanni Malala sul ruolo dell'Egitto nella storiauniversale. (Umberto ROBERTO)
10. Translatio imperii nella Chronographia di Giovanni Malala: libri I-IX (Agnese FONTANA)
11. La translatio imperii nella letteratura imperialedi età giu stinianea. Un caso di dibattito identitario (Paolo ODORICO)
12. Sì come per levar (Michelangelo Buonarroti, Rime 152): Giorgio Monaco e Giovanni Malalaa proposito di successione degli imperi (Lia Raffaella CRESCI)
13. Alcune considerazioni sulle Quattro Monarchiedi Daniele e sulle successive riletture cristiane (Gianfranco GAGGERO)


Source : L'Erma di Bretschneider


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