Celia E. Schultz et John D. Muccigrosso (éd.), Fide non Ficta: Essays in Honor of Paul B. Harvey, Jr., Pavie, 2020.
Éditeur : Edipuglia
Collection : Biblioteca di Athenaeum, 64
196 pages
ISBN : 978-88-7228-914-3
28 €
Paul B. Harvey, Jr Bibliography
by John Muccigrosso, Celia E. Schultz
John D. Muccigrosso
Populus as Army and the Preservation of Roman Legal Language
Glenn R. Storey
The Population of Rome: Remaining True to the Classical Comparative Perspective
Celia E. Schultz
Fulvia and the Bellum Perusinum
Mark Vessey
Face Book of the Common Reader? Prosopography and Self-Recognition in Augustine's Confessions
Catherine Conybeare
Correcting a Heretic: the Conlatio cum Maximino
R. H. Cline
Valentinian III's Novel 23: Pilfering Priests, Religious Sensibilities, and Power Dynamics in Mid-5th Century Rome
Dennis E. Trout
ICUR 8.20757: Poetry and Ambition at S. Agnese fuori le mura
William E. Klingshirn
Lived Religion in the Homilia de Sacrilegiis
Source : Edipuglia
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