
M.-A. Vannier, Maître Eckhart Prédicateur

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Marie-Anne Vannier, Maître Eckhart Prédicateur, Paris, 2018.

Éditeur : Beauchesne
859 pages
ISBN : 9782701022871
49 € (prix de lancement 49 € jusqu’au 30 juillet 2019, ensuite 66 €)

Maître Eckhart est souvent connu par ses Sermons allemands, qui expriment la force et de l'actualité de sa prédication, mais qui sont lacunaires dans la mesure où ils sont constitués de notes prises par ses auditeurs. Ils n'en manifestent pas moins l'orientation de l'oeuvre de ce penseur majeur du xive siècle qui est la prédication, comme en témoigne d'ailleurs sa vie, qu'il est désormais possible de reconstituer, et cet ouvrage s'attache à le faire, de manière originale. Les différentes composantes de l'oeuvre eckhartienne sont également reprises et l'actualité de sa pensée est mise en évidence.
En envisageant les principaux thèmes développés par Eckhart, tant en anthropologie qu'en christologie et en théologie trinitaire, sans oublier l'axe majeur de la pensée d'Eckhart qui est la filiation divine, cet ouvrage prend en compte les deux volets de cette oeuvre. Il en présente également les sources qui sont souvent oubliées et la réception qui en a été faite jusqu'aujourd'hui, ce qui renouvelle l'étude de ses écrits.

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Jérôme, Commentarius in Abacuc

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Jérôme, Commentarius in Abacuc, éd. Sincero Mantelli, Turnhout, 2018.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Corpus Christianorum Series Latina (CCSL 76-76A bis 1)
CXXI+114 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-57955-9
150 €

L'opportunità di un nuovo testo critico del Commentario al profeta Abacuc di Girolamo è dettata non solo dal fatto che le antiche edizioni a stampa – ne sono state prodotte almeno cinque – risultano inadeguate rispetto alle esigenze critiche attuali, ma che anche la più recente, pubblicata da Marc Adriaen nel 1969 (CCSL 76A) sulla base della collazione di un solo nuovo manoscritto, non offre un testo sufficientemente sicuro. La recensio dei manoscritti selezionati per il presente volume, pur non avendo consentito la completa ricostruzione della diramazione della tradizione manoscritta, ha tuttavia permesso significativi progressi nella costituzione del testo. Il presente lavoro, poi, così come auspicava Yves-Marie Duval nell'introduzione alla sua edizione dell'In Ionam (SC 323), può diventare un utile tassello per una vera e complessiva edizione critica dei commenti di Girolamo ai dodici profeti minori e per lo studio dell'esegesi geronimiana. Il lavoro di edizione ha permesso, inoltre, di evidenziare con più precisione le fonti che ispirarono il commento scritturistico di Girolamo e di confermare il suo spirito eclettico nel riprendere i commentatori che lo avevano preceduto, in modo particolare Origene.


Source : Brepols


C. Conduché (éd.), Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi V. Liber de verbo

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Cécile Conduché (éd.), Grammatici Hibernici Carolini aevi V. Liber de verbo, Turnhout, 2018.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (CCCM 40E)
264 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-57986-3
160 €

Ce volume fournit la première édition imprimée d’un traité sur le verbe latin composé probablement au cours du VIIIe siècle. Ce texte, d’auteur anonyme, nous est connu par un unique manuscrit originaire de la France du nord, Paris, BnF latin 7491. Ce traité complète notre connaissance d’un groupe de grammaires latines (Ars ambrosiana, Anonymus ad Cuimnanum, Malsachanus) liées aux milieux lettrés irlandais à l’orée de la renaissance carolingienne. L’édition de ce traité est essentielle pour comprendre l’organisation et le fonctionnement de la constellation d’opuscules scolaires qui a constitué le support concret de la renouatio studiorum carolingienne.

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A. A. Long, Epictetus. How to Be Free An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life

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Anthony Arthur Long (éd.), Epictetus. How to Be Free An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life, Princeton, 2018.

Éditeur : Princeton University Press
232 pages
ISBN : 9780691183909
$ 16.95

Epictetus. Encheiridion and Selections from Discourses. Translated and with an introduction by A. A. Long.
A superb new edition of Epictetus's famed handbook on Stoicism—translated by one of the world's leading authorities on Stoic philosophy
Born a slave, the Roman Stoic philosopher Epictetus (c. 55–135 AD) taught that mental freedom is supreme, since it can liberate one anywhere, even in a prison. In How to Be Free, A. A. Long—one of the world's leading authorities on Stoicism and a pioneer in its remarkable contemporary revival—provides a superb new edition of Epictetus's celebrated guide to the Stoic philosophy of life (the Encheiridion) along with a selection of related reflections in his Discourses.
Freedom, for Epictetus, is not a human right or a political prerogative but a psychological and ethical achievement, a gift that we alone can bestow on ourselves. We can all be free, but only if we learn to assign paramount value to what we can control (our motivations and reactions), treat what we cannot control with equanimity, and view our circumstances as opportunities to do well and be well, no matter what happens to us through misfortune or the actions of other people.
How to Be Free features splendid new translations and the original Greek on facing pages, a compelling introduction that sets Epictetus in context and describes the importance of Stoic freedom today, and an invaluable glossary of key words and concepts. The result is an unmatched introduction to this powerful method of managing emotions and handling life's situations, from the most ordinary to the most demanding.

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I. T. Cardoso et M. Martinho (éd.), Cícero: obra e recepção

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Isabella Tardin Cardoso et Marcos Martinho (éd.), Cícero: obra e recepção, Coimbra, 2019.

Éditeur : Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
236 pages
ISBN : 978‑989‑26‑1670‑4

O livro reúne sete ensaios acerca de Cícero compostos por uma equipa internacional de especialistas neste Autor. Os ensaios distribuem-se entre duas seções: na primeira, estudos de obras de Cícero (os diálogos: Lucullus, De finibus, De oratore, De officiis); na segunda, estudos da recepção antiga e também tardia de Cícero (em Sêneca, em Petrarca, em Erasmo).


A tradição manuscrita do Lucullllus de Cícero: do corpus Leidense a William de Malmesbury e à fortuna no período humanístico
Malaspina, Ermanno

Cícero em Atenas: a Academia em cena no livro V do De finibus bonorum et malorum
Lima, Sidney Calheiros De

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C. Bishop, Cicero, Greek Learning, and the Making of a Roman Classic

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Caroline Bishop, Cicero, Greek Learning, and the Making of a Roman Classic, Oxford, 2019.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
384 pages
ISBN : 9780198829423
$ 99.00

The Roman statesman, orator, and author Marcus Tullius Cicero is the embodiment of a classic: his works have been read continuously from antiquity to the present, his style is considered the model for classical Latin, and his influence on Western ideas about the value of humanistic pursuits is both deep and profound. However, despite the significance of subsequent reception in ensuring his canonical status, Cicero, Greek Learning, and the Making of a Roman Classic demonstrates that no one is more responsible for Cicero's transformation into a classic than Cicero himself, and that in his literary works he laid the groundwork for the ways in which he is still remembered today.
The volume presents a new way of understanding Cicero's career as an author by situating his textual production within the context of the growth of Greek classicism: the movement had begun to flourish shortly before his lifetime and he clearly grasped its benefits both for himself and for Roman literature more broadly. By strategically adapting classic texts from the Greek world, and incorporating into his adaptations the interpretations of the Hellenistic philosophers, poets, rhetoricians, and scientists who had helped enshrine those works as classics, he could envision and create texts with classical authority for a parallel Roman canon.

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Ph. Freeman (éd.), Cicero. How to Be a Friend An Ancient Guide to True Friendship

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Philip Freeman (éd.), Cicero. How to Be a Friend An Ancient Guide to True Friendship, Princeton, 2018.

Éditeur : Princeton University Press
208 pages
ISBN : 9780691183893
$ 16.95

A splendid new translation of one of the greatest books on friendship ever written.
In a world where social media, online relationships, and relentless self-absorption threaten the very idea of deep and lasting friendships, the search for true friends is more important than ever. In this short book, which is one of the greatest ever written on the subject, the famous Roman politician and philosopher Cicero offers a compelling guide to finding, keeping, and appreciating friends. With wit and wisdom, Cicero shows us not only how to build friendships but also why they must be a key part of our lives. For, as Cicero says, life without friends is not worth living.
Filled with timeless advice and insights, Cicero's heartfelt and moving classic—written in 44 BC and originally titled De Amicitia—has inspired readers for more than two thousand years, from St. Augustine and Dante to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Presented here in a lively new translation with the original Latin on facing pages and an inviting introduction, How to Be a Friend explores how to choose the right friends, how to avoid the pitfalls of friendship, and how to live with friends in good times and bad. Cicero also praises what he sees as the deepest kind of friendship—one in which two people find in each other “another self” or a kindred soul.
An honest and eloquent guide to finding and treasuring true friends, How to Be a Friend speaks as powerfully today as when it was first written.

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