
Maestro Bernardo, Rationes dictandi

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Maestro Bernardo, Rationes dictandi. Edizione critica a cura di Elisabetta Bartoli, Florence, 2023.

Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo
Collection : Edizione Nazionale dei Testi Mediolatini d'Italia, 66
VII-289 pages
ISBN : 978-88-9290-220-6
66 €

Le Rationes dictandi, opera giovanile di maestro Bernardo dedicata alla scrittura in prosa, sono un testo fondamentale per lo studio artigrafico del XII secolo, in cui il noto dettatore propone una fortunata sistematizzazione della materia epistolare che rimarrà stabile anche nelle due opere successive, Summa e Introductiones. Delineati nel primo e approfonditi nel secondo libro, si leggono nelle Rationes i capisaldi del magistero di Bernardo, da quelli legati all'ambito più propriamente epistolare, come la scansione in cinque parti della lettera, fino a quelli retorici o afferenti all'eufonia del dettato, come la gestione della mutatio o la teoria dell'appositio, propedeutica al cursus e illustrata qui per la prima volta. Le Rationes contengono inoltre la prima ricca esemplificazione di salutationes e un'importante collezione di exordia, con brani che verranno tutti riutilizzati nelle raccolte successive: questi aspetti, preziosi per lo studioso moderno, costituirono la base del Fortleben dell'opera, visibile in autori francesi e tedeschi già alla fine del XII secolo.

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Peter of Ireland, Writings on Natural Philosophy

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Peter of Ireland, Writings on Natural Philosophy. Commentary on Aristotle's On Length and Shortness of Life and the Determinatio Magistralis, éd. Michael W. Dunne, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Brepols Library of Christian Sources, 9
226 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60568-5
50 €

Peter of Ireland (Petrus de Ybernia) was born sometime around the beginning of the thirteenth century in Ireland, probably of a Norman family. He probably left Ireland aged around age 15 to pursue his studies abroad. His interest in medical and scientific questions would suggest a stay at Oxford, whereas his approach to logic would suggest a Parisian influence. By the middle of the century he was Professor of Logic and Natural Philosophy at the University at Naples. Peter is perhaps one of the best known of medieval Irish thinkers on the continent owing to the fact that he was held to be the teacher of the young Thomas Aquinas at Naples University from 1239–44. As such, it would be he who, in all likelihood, first introduced Thomas to the study of Aristotle and perhaps also to the commentaries of Avicenna and Averroes. The works presented here date from at least a decade later, and relate to lectures given at Naples in the 1250s and 1260s. The extent to which he was held in respect by his contemporaries is to be seen in his solution (determinatio) to the disputed question on the origin of the design of an animal's body which was held before King Manfred around 1260. It was, perhaps the culmination of a famous scholarly career.


Source : Brepols


Coluccio Salutati, De verecundia

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Coluccio Salutati, De verecundia, Traduction française de Florence Garambois-Vasquez, édition et notes de Laurent Baggioni, Paris, 2023.

Éditeur : Chemins de traverse
Collection : Chartae neolatinae
114 pages
ISBN : 978-2-313-00663-4
20 €

Cet ouvrage est la première traduction française du traité Sur la Vergogne, de l'humaniste florentin Coluccio Salutati. Il s'agit d'une traduction assortie de notes et d'une introduction qui fait le point sur l'oeuvre de ce savant.


Source : BNF


Jean Duns Scot, De la restitution

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Jean Duns Scot, De la restitution. La pensée juridico-politique et juridico-économique de Duns Scot. Traduction, présentation et notes de François Loiret, Paris, 2023.

Éditeur : Les Belles Lettres
Collection : Sagesses médiévales, 26
240 pages
ISBN : 9782251454276
29,50 €

Ce volume livre la pensée de Jean Duns Scot (1266-1308) sur la propriété privée. Envisagée comme relevant de la volonté humaine, elle ne peut en rien ressortir au droit naturel mais seulement au droit civil. En outre, Duns Scot fonde la communauté politique sur la volonté : le consentement et l'élection seuls légitiment l'autorité politique qui a le pouvoir d'instituer la propriété privée par le droit. La fondation de la communauté politique revêt donc une dimension contractuelle, héritière de la pensée romaine dans son articulation juridique bien plus que de la pensée grecque.

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U. Paoli et P. Poli (éd.), Le bolle di Celestino V

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Ugo Paoli et Paola Poli (éd.), Le bolle di Celestino V, Florence, 2023.

Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo
Collection : Corpus Coelestinianum, 2
XI-441 pages
ISBN : 978-88-9290-232-9
85 €

Il volume rappresenta il primo tentativo di «ricostruzione» del registro deperdito delle bolle di Celestino V (5 luglio - 13 dicembre 1294). Dell'esistenza di tale registro sono testimonianza dieci bolle originali che riportano a tergo la R di registrazione e il numero con cui il documento si trovava trascritto nel registro. Nel settembre 1294, Celestino V mise a capo della Cancelleria Giovanni da Castrocielo, arcivescovo di Benevento e già monaco di Montecassino. Le novanta bolle originali di Celestino V che sono state reperite risultano redatte nel pieno rispetto delle norme diplomatistiche della Cancelleria papale e attestano l'attività di trentuno scriptores. Certa è anche la presenza di quattro notai. Nel volume sono affrontati e discussi i problemi relativi alla ricerca, alla tipologia, alla cronologia e all'edizione dei testi e viene presentata una sintesi tematica delle bolle pubblicate.


Source : SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo


Caesar, Bellum Gallicum Book VII

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Caesar, Bellum Gallicum Book VII. Edited with Introduction and Notes by Christopher B. Krebs Cambridge, 2023.

Éditeur : Cambridge University Press
Collection : Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics
ISBN : 9781009177146
30.33 €

This is the first commentary on Caesar's Bellum Gallicum to approach it as a literary text. It attempts a contextualized reading of the work through the eyes of a contemporary Roman reader, who was trained in rhetoric, versed in Greek and Roman literature, and familiar with the same political and cultural conventions and discourses as its author. In appreciating Caesar as a writer and situating the seventh book of the Bellum Gallicum within its 'horizon of expectations' and especially its historiographical tradition, it reveals much that rewards careful attention, including: a dramatized narrative, sustained intertextual borrowings and allusions (especially from and to Thucydides and Polybius), (in)direct speeches telling of Rome's second-greatest speaker, and word- and sound-play telling of the leading linguist, not to mention artful technical descriptions that lack parallels in the Roman republic. Ultimately, both author and text emerge as quite different from their grossly generalized reputations.


Source : Cambridge University Press


D .S. Levene, Livy. The Fragments & Periochae - Volume I

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David S. Levene, Livy. The Fragments & Periochae - Volume I, Oxford, 2023.

Éditeur : Oxford University Press
400 pages
ISBN : 9780192871220

Livy's 142-volume history of Rome is one of the high points of ancient historical writing; but three-quarters of that history is lost, known only from indirect sources such as epitomes and quotations. D. S. Levene's Livy: The Fragments and Periochae provides a text, translation, and commentary on all of the surviving 'para-Livian' material from antiquity. This includes the various epitomes and 'fragments' (quotations from or references to the lost books), but it also covers citations from the surviving books and all testimonia to Livy's life, work, and readership between his death in A.D. 17 and the end of classical antiquity (approximately A.D. 650). This collection of material provides the fullest account ever developed of the reputation of Livy in antiquity and the way he was used and read by later writers. Through it, Levene explores an important but under-studied aspect of the intellectual life of the Roman world.

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