
A. Paravicini Bagliani (éd.), Le metafore dell’amicizia, dell’amore e della pace (secoli XI-XII). In ricordo di Peter Dronke

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Agostino Paravicini Bagliani (éd.), Le metafore dell'amicizia, dell'amore e della pace (secoli XI-XII). In ricordo di Peter Dronke, Florence, 2023.

Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo
Collection : mediEVI, 37
X-137 pages
ISBN : 978-88-9290-239-8
30 €

Premessa di A. Paravicini Bagliani. LE METAFORE DELL'AMICIZIA, DELL'AMORE E DELLA PACE (SECOLI XI-XII). IN RICORDO DI PETER DRONKE. P. Boitani, La teologia come poetessa: Peter Dronke e il Medioevo – C. Burnett, Love and Friendship in Astrology and Astral Magic – J. C. Santos Paz, Exégesis, metáfora y profecía en la red de amistad de Hildegarde – M. Pereira, Le virtù amiche dell'anima in Ildegarda di Bingen – J. M. Ziolkowski, Peter Dronke and Ernst Robert Curtius: Loving the Latin Middle Ages? – J. Marenbon, Metaphor as a Way of Philosophizing in the Twelfth Century – J.-Y. Tilliette, Érotisme et cosmologie: un monologue amoureux en vers léonins du XIIe siècle


Source : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo


A. Classen (éd.), Globalism in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age

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Albrecht Classen (éd.), Globalism in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. Innovative Approaches and Perspectives, Berlin, 2023.

Éditeur : De Gruyter
Collection : Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 27
643 pages
ISBN : 9783111190228
139,95 €

Although it is fashionable among modernists to claim that globalism emerged only since ca. 1800, the opposite can well be documented through careful comparative and transdisciplinary studies, as this volume demonstrates, offering a wide range of innovative perspectives on often neglected literary, philosophical, historical, or medical documents. Texts, images, ideas, knowledge, and objects migrated throughout the world already in the pre-modern world, even if the quantitative level compared to the modern world might have been different. In fact, by means of translations and trade, for instance, global connections were established and maintained over the centuries. Archetypal motifs developed in many literatures indicate how much pre-modern people actually shared. But we also discover hard-core facts of global economic exchange, import of exotic medicine, and, on another level, intensive intellectual debates on religious issues. Literary evidence serves best to expose the extent to which contacts with people in foreign countries were imaginable, often desirable, and at times feared, of course. The pre-modern world was much more on the move and reached out to distant lands out of curiosity, economic interests, and political and military concerns. Diplomats crisscrossed the continents, and artists, poets, and craftsmen traveled widely. We can identify, for instance, both the Vikings and the Arabs as global players long before the rise of modern globalism, so this volume promises to rewrite many of our traditional notions about pre-modern worldviews, economic conditions, and the literary sharing on a global level, as perhaps best expressed by the genre of the fable.


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S. Niskanen (éd), The Art of Publication from the Ninth to the Sixteenth Century

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Samu Niskanen (éd), The Art of Publication from the Ninth to the Sixteenth Century, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 93
416 pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60296-7
80 €

Written transmission relies on the fact of ‘publication,' the step between the authorial process and reception. But what does ‘publishing' mean in the context of a manuscript culture, in which books were copied slowly and singly by hand? This is a fundamental question. If one fails to appreciate the act of publication, one's understanding of any authorial work and its reception from any period will remain defective. The case studies in this volume ask what it meant for medieval and renaissance authors and their associates to publish. The contexts under scrutiny range from England to Italy, from hagiography to literary criticism, and from Carolingian monasteries to renaissance libraries. Medieval publishing remains undiscovered territory in the main. This volume constitutes a first effort towards a long-term narrative, from the ninth to the sixteenth century.


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C.A.L.M.A. 7.5, Iohannes de Aquileia - Iohannes Berardi

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C.A.L.M.A. 7.5, Iohannes de Aquileia - Iohannes Berardi, Florence, 2023.

Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo
P. 497-620
ISBN : 978-88-9290-266-4
95 €

L'opera è un repertorio riguardante gli autori medievali le cui opere sono databili entro un arco cronologico compreso tra il VI secolo e la prima metà del XVI. Per ciascun autore, il Compendium fornisce: 1 - una scheda contenente la bibliografia generale sull'autore e che comprende: i repertori specializzati, i lessici di riferimento nazionali e internazionali, i dizionari enciclopedici, i manuali generali e alcuni studi sul singolo autore; 2 - l'elenco delle opere attribuite all'autore, incluse quelle di dubbia autenticità, e per ciascuna delle quali si segnala: il repertorio o i repertori di riferimento, l'edizione o le edizioni, i manoscritti relatori, gli studi specifici.
La pubblicazione è in fascicoli semestrali, ordinati per serie alfabetica degli autori.


Source : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo


G. Stucco, Faustus of Riez, On Grace

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Guido Stucco, Faustus of Riez, On Grace, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Brepols Library of Christian Sources, vol. 10
192 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60739-9
€ 45 (excl. VAT)

Latin text with facing English translation of the De Gratia by Faustus of Riez.
Faustus was a Gallic representative of what has been referred to as 'semipelagianism'. In his De Gratia, he fiercely opposed the Augustinian view of Grace and Predestination that had been upheld by Lucidus, a presbyter who possibly misunderstood Augustine's thought. Faustus did not open new ground about these contested doctrines, but put significant roadblocks to their possible extreme trajectories.

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N. Polloni, M. Benedetto et F. Dal Bo, Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron). Latin and Hebrew Philosophical Traditions

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Nicola Polloni, Marienza Benedetto et Federico Dal Bo (éd.), Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron). Latin and Hebrew Philosophical Traditions, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions of the Middle Ages, vol. 4
412 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-60552-4
€ 115 (excl. VAT)

One of the most important thinkers of the Middle Ages, the Jewish philosopher Solomon Ibn Gabirol (known in the Latin Middle Ages as ‘Avicebron') greatly contributed to the history of metaphysics. His most famous work, the Fons vitae, was the source of sophisticated, radical doctrines (like universal hylomorphism and the plurality of substantial forms) that were rigorously debated in the Latin world for centuries.

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J. Moukarzel et M. Issa, Bref traité de quelques villes orientales, de la religion et des mœurs de leurs indigènes

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Joseph Moukarzel et Mireille Issa (éd.), Bref traité de quelques villes orientales, de la religion et des mœurs de leurs indigènes, Turnhout, 2023.

Éditeur : Brepols
Collection : Miroir de l'Orient Musulman, vol. 12
219 p. pages
ISBN : 978-2-503-59797-3
€ 80 (excl. VAT)

Le Bref traité de quelques villes orientales, de la religion et des mœurs de leurs indigènes de Gabriel Sionite et Jean Hesronite s'inscrit parmi les anthropologies orientalistes du XVIIe siècle. Jibrā'īl al-Ṣahyūnī et Yūḥannā al-Ḥaṣrūnī, natifs respectivement d'Ehden et de Ḥaṣrūn, sont deux savants maronites du Liban qui ont suivi leur formation au Collège Maronite de Rome, lequel venait d'être fondé par les soins et grâce à la bienveillance du pape Grégoire XIII. Plus tard, devenus interprètes du roi Louis XIII, ils élisent quelques villes orientales dont ils proposent un tractatus brevis, genre de descriptif brossé au goût de l'Europe de l'époque. Sans être récit savant, le Bref traité de quelques villes orientales se présente tel le journal de la visite fictive des grandes villes du Moyen-Orient, Tripoli, Alep et le Caire par exemple, dont Sionite et Hesronite esquissent une rapide prosopographie historique, décrivent les us et coutumes avant d'exposer quelques-uns de leurs illustres hommes. Les deux auteurs semblent même emprunter aux sources populaires, osant un amalgame d'histoire sérieuse et de tradition orale, presque une narration de foule, dont l'intérêt cependant est de réfléchir l'Humanisme renaissant de l'époque, nourri de rigorisme religieux, toutefois curieux de réexplorer l'Outre-Mer. Le Bref traité prouve en définitive que les deux auteurs avaient exploité des manuscrits sans en avoir vérifié le contenu scientifique. Quant à notre intérêt, il réside dans notre sincère intention de redécouvrir la beauté des sources chrétiennes orientales, précisément de la littérature maronite d'expression latine.

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