Lundi, 20 Avril 2020 08:00
Daniel Vallat
Daniel Vallat (dir.), Martial et l'épigramme satirique. Approches stylistiques et thématiques, Hildesheim, 2020.
Éditeur : Olms Collection : Spudasmata, 185 352 pages ISBN : 978-3-487-15874-7 88 €
Après une évolution considérable depuis les invectives de Catulle au 1er siècle avant notre ère, l'épigramme satirique prend sa forme canonique avec Martial au 1er siècle de notre ère, en acquérant une structure binaire orientée vers la pointe et en choisissant de dénoncer des types de personnages plutôt que des individus réels. Pour remettre en valeur l'épigramme satirique martialienne, souvent oubliée par la critique contemporaine, le présent volume réunit 13 contributions qui proposent des études nouvelles sur la stylistique de ce type d'épigramme, ainsi que sur sa dimension thématique et intertextuelle.
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Samedi, 18 Avril 2020 08:04
Jacques Elfassi
Apulée, Opera Philosophica, éd. Giuseppina Magnaldi, Oxford, 2020.
Éditeur : Oxford University Press Collection : Oxford Classical Texts 184 pages ISBN : 9780198841418 $ 50.00
This new critical edition aims to provide a new standard text of Apuleius' De Deo Socratis, De Platone et eius dogmate, and De mundo, allowing readers to get closer than ever before to the philosophical writings of the renowned orator, extraordinary prose stylist, and Platonist philosopher. Knowledge of these three works is crucial to understanding the reinterpretation and transmission of Greek philosophical thought in the Latin world: based on a new collation of the ancient manuscripts and scrupulous investigation of all previous editions, the Latin text presented here relies on a safer ms. basis than its predecessors. The enforcement of the criterion of the so-called 'signal-word' in particular has enabled improved solutions for many textual problems to be found, some older emendations to be confirmed, and previously unnoticed corruptions to be located and cogently healed, while the rich and detailed apparatus criticus selectively focuses on only plausible conjectures in doubtful passages. A fluent Latin praefatio offers a neat explanation of the principles which have been adopted throughout the edition, while also ably balancing comprehensive coverage of the main manuscript sources, their histories, and their relationships with lucidity and concision, despite the intricacy of the textual tradition.
Source : Oxford University Press
Jeudi, 16 Avril 2020 08:07
Jacques Elfassi
Francesco Filelfo, Corrispondenza. I. Lettere volgari. Edizione critica e commento a cura di Nicoletta Marcelli. Coordinamento scientifico di Silvia Fiaschi, Florence, 2019.
Éditeur : Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo Collection : Edizione Nazionale dei Testi Mediolatini d'Italia, 53 X-286 pages ISBN : 978-88-8450-948-2 56 €
Nel panorama dell'umanesimo italiano a fianco di numerosi e celebri autori che, sull'esempio di Francesco Petrarca, si dedicarono alla composizione di un epistolario latino, possiamo annoverarne altrettanti per ciò che concerne l'epistolografia in volgare, ma, assai rari sono i casi di umanisti che per la scrittura di lettere si siano cimentati sul doppio registro latino-volgare e, nel caso di Filelfo, con l'aggiunta del greco. Se all'Epistolario latino e greco, raccolto, rielaborato e concepito con le caratteristiche di una vera e propria opera letteraria destinata alla pubblicazione Filelfo dedicò notevoli cure per molti anni, alle lettere volgari, al contrario, l'autore non riconobbe uno statuto letterario, per cui la loro sorte è stata quella della totale dispersione, al punto che non se ne conosceva neppure il numero complessivo. Grazie a questo lavoro il corpus conta oggi 141 lettere, parte delle quali sconosciute e inedite, in larga misura autografe, indirizzate ad alcune tra le maggiori personalità della politica e della cultura del Quattrocento: fra tutti spiccano i duchi Francesco e Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Lorenzo il Magnifico e il cancelliere sforzesco Cicco Simonetta. Le lettere filelfiane che qui si pubblicano toccano molti aspetti della storia e della cultura del secolo XV, dalla politica, alla diplomazia, dalle humanae litterae, alla biografia di Filelfo stesso, per cui nella loro varietà rispecchiano a pieno la poliedrica personalità dell'autore: di ognuno di questi aspetti il volume ha cercato di dare conto con il commento ai testi, che si auspica possa costituire un utile strumento per nuove acquisizioni nell'ambito degli studi storico-letterari.
Source : SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo
Mardi, 14 Avril 2020 08:10
Jacques Elfassi
Alain Le Boulluec, Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete et Andréi Timotin (éd.), Exégèse, révélation et formation des dogmes dans l'Antiquité tardive, Paris, 2020.
Éditeur : Institut d'études augustiniennes Collection : Collection des Études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité (EAA 208) 330 pages ISBN : 978-2-85121-308-2 43 €
Following the studies of Pierre Hadot, we know that the main approach to philosophy in Late Antiquity takes the form of an exegesis of authoritative texts, not without altering their primary aim. As soon as the texts come to be perceived as the products of a divine revelation, the hermeneutics applied to them are indistinguishable from a theology. Reading and commenting on the revelatory texts imply an almost religious adherence to their doctrinal content, which is close to being understood as articles of belief. These two complementary aspects were accentuated in a complex relationship of rivalry with Christianity. The gradual transition from a philosophical to a religious conception of the world in Late Antiquity, from the first to the sixth century, has not been sufficiently analysed. This book aims to help fill this gap. It brings together the perspectives of various specialists – historians of ancient philosophy, religions in the Graeco-Roman world, and patristics – around three specific themes: the place of theological revelations within the philosophical discourse in Late Antiquity, the exegetical approach as a source of philosophical and theological dogmas, and the role of polemics in the establishment of a new relationship between beliefs and philosophy.
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Vendredi, 10 Avril 2020 08:23
Jacques Elfassi
Michael Van Dussen et Pavel Soukup (éd.), A Companion to the Hussites, Leyde-Boston, 2020.
Éditeur : Brill Collection : Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 90 xii-454 pages ISBN : 978-90-04-41404-4 199 €
The Hussites, as the Bohemian reformists have come to be called, became one of the most vocal and influential reform movements of the late Middle Ages, with significance for the reformations of the sixteenth century and later. They represented an interchange between “town and gown” that was largely unprecedented in medieval Europe. Scholarship on the Hussites has a long and distinguished tradition, and current studies must continually contend with a historiography that is implicated in the nationalism, confessionalism, and politics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume gives students and scholars a clear sense of the historiography and current trends in Hussite studies, as well as concise statements on major emphases in Hussite theology, ecclesiology, philosophy, and religious practice.
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Mercredi, 08 Avril 2020 08:33
Étienne Wolff
Étienne Wolff, Epigrammata Bobiensia. Épigrammes de Bobbio éditées, traduites et annotées, Dijon, 2020.
Éditeur : Éditions Universitaires de Dijon Collection : Archives 172 pages ISBN : 978-2-36441-359-7 9 €
En 1950, un érudit italien, Augusto Campana, découvrait un recueil de 71 poèmes dans le manuscrit latin 2836 de la Bibliothèque Vaticane, qui est la copie d'un manuscrit de l'abbaye de Bobbio (Émilie-Romagne) exhumé en 1493 et perdu ensuite. Ces poèmes, des épigrammes, ont essentiellement pour auteurs des poètes de la fin du IVe siècle qui appartiennent au cercle de Symmaque, le leader aristocratique du parti païen à Rome. Le plus attachant et le plus dense est certainement Naucellius, auteur des pièces 2 à 9. L'ensemble constituait une anthologie, organisée par un compilateur anonyme dans un but qui ne nous est pas connu. Les poèmes, dont l'inspiration présente des affinités avec celle d'Ausone, possèdent des qualités littéraires indéniables, et donnent un bon aperçu de la culture, des penchants et des intérêts intellectuels des derniers (ou presque derniers) écrivains païens, à une époque où le christianisme est devenu la seule religion autorisée de l'Empire. Ils sont ici édités et traduits intégralement en français pour la première fois. Une introduction et des notes facilitent la mise en contexte et la compréhension.
Source : Éditions Universitaires de Dijon